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Davenport University

Prospective Student Marketing Website

As long-time users of the Drupal 7 CMS, the web team at Davenport University selected Drupal 10 as the CMS for their new, prospective student-focused website. The content and design for the new site is optimized for an audience engaged in a college search. RDG prepared mobile designs for supplied desktop layouts, devised the Drupal 10 architecture to support the desired design variations, implemented a custom, accessible Drupal 10 theme, and built a Drupal-powered system for managing and presenting the course catalog, programs and degrees.


Site Architecture

Drupal 10

Project Brief

Prior iterations of the Davenport University website attempted to serve the information needs of multiple internal and external audiences, with content ownership distributed widely among many departments. Because of this, the project had multiple goals:

  1. Create a public-facing site focused on the needs of prospective students and their families (delegating functionality for existing students, faculty and staff to a separate student portal site).
  2. Implement an all-new website design in the Drupal 10 CMS, with an emphasis on ease of content administration for Davenport’s marketing team.
  3. Implement design and structure using accessibility best practices, focusing on creating an inclusive experience for people with disabilities. At the same time, optimize for usability on mobile devices and for search engines.


Course description table on Davenport University program details page
Course description popup window for Davenport University program list
Mobile version of Davenport University website homepage, with tagline "Get where the world is going"
Open mobile menu showing second level of links for Davenport University
"Having worked with Rapid Development Group in the past, they were at the top of our list for a vendor to help us build our new prospective student web site and academic programs information site. They created both full applications and also augmented the capabilities of our marketing, communications and web development teams. Their solutions are elegant, effective and maintainable. They continue to be a valuable partner for Davenport."
Josh Isaak
Director of Web and Media Services
Davenport University