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We have many experts on our team willing to share their knowledge.
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Including a React.js entrypoint from a Drupal menu callback
How to inject React.js into a page callback within Drupal 7.
React JS Development Setup & Workflow
One way to approach adding a react app to an existing Drupal 7 website.
Postgres SQL Up and Running on OSX using Homebrew
How to get up and running locally when you are faced with a requirement of Postgres SQL.
Adding Image Uploads to a Custom Module in Drupal
Create a global fallback image field on a custom configuration page for your content type image fields.
Segfault with Drupal s3 Integration
What to do when you encounter a segfault error when developing with Drupal 7 using s3 storage.
Animated Charts with jQuery-Knob and jQuery.animate()
How to add visually interesting charts to your website.
When Fluid Layouts Won’t Work
Fluid layouts aren’t the best choice in all situations. Content should always determine the layout.
DevOps Corner: How I use Jenkins
How I use Jenkins to test and deploy code that minimizes bugs and human error.
Migrating from Drupal 6 to 7 and moving files to Amazon S3, through configuration
How to use Migrate and Drupal-to-Drupal Migrate modules to conduct a migration to Drupal 7.
Upgrading your CSS animations with easing functions
Add a custom bezier curves to make your CSS animation pop.
Programmatically Adding a Field Collection Item to a Node in Drupal
Step by step process to migrate image field content into a field collection.
SASS: Awesome Sauce for CSS
I gave a short talk recently on SASS, hailing four benefits that make using SASS worthwhile. I’ll describe them briefly in this blog post.
Debugging and Changing Varnish in the live environment
Making changes to the default.vcl (or whatever configuration is being used) on a live varnish server is risky business, here is a safer way to debug.
Calling a REST API from a NodeJS Script
NodeJS can be useful for one-off batch operations that need to call remote API endpoints.
Easy Drupal Documentation via Custom Chrome Search Queries
For a long time, I would have to search Google every time I wanted to look up a Drupal or API function. Then I learned this cool trick.
Multi Instance Memcache Server on Ubuntu 10.04
Here is how you can set up PHP's memcached to work with multiple sites on a single server.
Using Macs for Web Development
I was recently in the market for a new laptop. The search for a replacement brought up all sorts of questions: Should I just get the same model? Should I upgrade/downgrade? Should I even buy a Mac? It's this last question that I thought long and hard about. Here are four arguments for using a Mac.
Adding Customized Fields to the Apache Solr index in Drupal
Going beyond what comes out-of-the-box with Apache Solr Drupal integration.
Fading elements in CSS3 without blocking click events
How to sanely replace jQuery effects with equivalent CSS3 animations.